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USM Instrument Building Group: The Micado Main Selection Mechanism MSM

USM LogoLMU Siegel

Universitäts-Sternwarte München
Fakultät für Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Hauptseite der USM
Micado Logo Micado Cryo design 2016


The MSM is located inside the MICADO cryostat, where the operating temperature is 80 K. It will allow to switch between the 4 operational modes of MICADO. The MSM assembly (see Figure) consists of a rotating platform with a diameter of ~1.3 m and its support structure.

The rotating platform hosts three optical modules:
  • the Low Resolution Imager (LRI),
  • Pupil Imager (PIM) and
  • Spectrometer gratings (SPE).
    Micado Logo

    MSM inside the MICADO cryostat: The MSM assembly (red frame) is located between the MICADO Collimator and Camera optics. The MSM rotating platform has a diameter of ~1.3m (dark gray) and is supported by the MSM support structure (light gray). The lower panel shows a sketch of the 4 optical configurations available for MICADO (the red arrows show the direction of the incoming and outgoing beam). These are the HRI (under responsibility of MPE Institute), and the LRI, PIM and SPE (the last three modules are under responsibility of USM). To switch between the 4 operational modes, the platform can be rotated in order to locate the respective optical module in between the HRI fixed optics (in green), along the instrument optical path.

    ( click on image for large version)

    A cut in the platform provide the clearance for the High Resolution Imager mode. To switch between the 4 operational modes, the platform can be rotated in order to locate the respective optical module in between the HRI fixed optics (in green), along the instrument optical path.

    The LRI module uses two flat mirrors blocking some of the fixed optical components to change the plate scale on the detector mosaic. The SPE consists of two echelle like gratings to use the instrument as a medium resolution (R~10000) spectrograph. The PIM consist of two flat mirrors and one lens: it allows to image the pupil plane inside the instrument to the detector array and will be used for calibration and alignment purposes. For positioning and locking the optical modules inside the science beam we intend to use an indent mechanism.

    The MSM work package includes the design, analysis, assembly, alignment and test of the cryogenic mechanism including all optical components and their mounts located on the rotating platform. Cryogenic testing on subcomponent level (motors, indent mechanism) has already started. Micado Logo
  • Letzte Änderung: 20. Januar 2020 durch U. Hopp (hopp .at. usm.lmu.de), webmaster: (webmaster .at. usm.lmu.de)
    Impressum --- Datenschutzerklärung Physik Datenschutzerklärung LMU