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USM Instrument Building Group: ICE

USM LogoLMU Siegel

Universitäts-Sternwarte München
Fakultät für Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Hauptseite der USM
Micado Logo Micado Cryo design 2016

The Micado Instrument Control Electronics

The control electronic tasks under responsibility of the USM group are shown in the Figure and highlighted in magenta. ESO decided to use Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) for all control tasks necessary in ELT instruments.

Using this PLC technology the control electronics has to provide all necessary functionality to drive mechanisms inside several subsystems, read sensor signals but also all housekeeping tasks of the MICADO cryostat. All necessary components fill four electronic cabinets that will be located either on the Nasmyth or on the Co-Rotating platform.

Micado Logo

MICADO overall control system: Overview of MICADO control electronics components, indicating their purpose, how they are linked, and where they are located. USM components are highlighted in magenta.

( click on image for large version)

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Letzte Änderung: 20. Januar 2020 durch U. Hopp (hopp .at. usm.lmu.de), webmaster: (webmaster .at. usm.lmu.de)
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