The Micado Instrument Control SoftwareThe MICADO control software is responsible for the coordination of all actions necessary for an observation with the MICADO instrument; in addition, the preparation of observations is regarded as part of this software package, too. The overall layout of the control software is shown in the Figure. The control software can be roughly divided into the following components:a) Observation Coordination System (OCS) This is the highest layer in the software, being responsible for the synchronization of all sub-systems during an observation and for interfacing all external actors (as the ELT or the AO). The implementation of the OCS will be based on a software framework delivered by ESO, using C++ for its business logic, Qt for graphical user interfaces, and Python for all scripting purposes. b) Function Control System (FCS) This part of the software is responsible for the interaction with the various hardware devices in MICADO (motors, lamps, switches, and so on). It will be implemented in a two-layer fashion: c) Observer Support Software (OSS) This part of software will be used in combination with ESO standard tools by any astronomer preparing an observation with MICADO. It aims at simplifying and optimizing instrument-specific tasks as the selection of suitable natural guide stars for the AO system and the definition of an offset/dither pattern, and it shall provide a visual representation of the preparation settings along with both graphical and scripting interfaces. Currently a Python/C++-based prototype is being developed as a stand-alone application (see for more details). Its functionality will later be integrated as a plugin into ESO's p2 web application, implementing the MICADO-specific tasks as independent web services.
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